Whats yours?
I dont know if anyone remembers the ball cancer scare of 09 for me but it ended up being an infection. when getting sonnagrammed(spelled horribly wrong) by a hot nurseon m balls was the most awkward untill about a week ago I went in again cause it was hurting again. got an even hotter nurse and got a stiffy cause of it(hot chick rubbing warm jelly on balls) and it was annoying(and slightly painful) to hide it.
thats mine.
whats yours?
0 ·
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
no jail time
how was he watching child porn?
and he did. it was posted on here
where have you been?
I have not been on here. where is this screen cap you speek of though?
it didnt show anything