judy is friends with the mom of the drummer of Lazarus AD on facebook. having Judy ask her if the rumors are true in hopes she spills the beans, one way or another.
Been talking to the drummer's mom from Lazarus AD and got a response from her today...... I don't now if you heard, byt Lazarus is having a CD release party in their hometown, Kenosha, WI on Jan 23rd, so yeah, they'll be selling their CD Jan 30th. Check their facebook page, there's a link for a site that has the first song from the new album, and another link to a site with a new "making of" video.
I'll check about the Mayhem festival an get back to you
judy is friends with the mom of the drummer of Lazarus AD on facebook. having Judy ask her if the rumors are true in hopes she spills the beans, one way or another.
I'm friends with the whole band on fb. If you want, I can message the vocalist and see if he says anything about it
Deftones are out. They wouldn't do a tour two months before the festival if they were on it.
The thought of Megadeth only playing 7-8 songs like LOG did last year is disturbing, but that's what would happen if Disturbed and Godsmack were on it. There's no way they would be higher than third. I would be shocked if Dave conceded to getting slotted lower than Slayer was, so I have my doubts.
The longer Disturbed waits to announce the second leg of MAAW, the more I wonder if they didn't just say "fuck it," and took the Mayhem co-headlining slot instead.
I'd actually take Disturbed/Megadeth over Godsmack. I think Megadeth will be on the bill but I'm not so sure about disturbed or godsmack. I think one of them will be on it but I'm not sure which...
and they fucking rule.
I'll check about the Mayhem festival an get back to you
The thought of Megadeth only playing 7-8 songs like LOG did last year is disturbing, but that's what would happen if Disturbed and Godsmack were on it. There's no way they would be higher than third. I would be shocked if Dave conceded to getting slotted lower than Slayer was, so I have my doubts.