Teen Vogue put a video out with a Miami Nights remix of a Silent Gloves song. Between this, Carly Rae Jepsen's EP last year, Bonnie McKee's aesthetic, Stranger Things, CoD doing the 80s themed zombies mode, other games doing the cyberpunk thing lately, and Blade Runner coming back the 80s and synth are officially cool again.
I keep trying to buy a Gost shirt from his bigcartel, but it keeps declining my card and Paypal. I called my card company, they say nothing is wrong, and I shouldnt be getting declined. And I was able to buy stuff on Steam... So its a weird bug.
Between this, Carly Rae Jepsen's EP last year, Bonnie McKee's aesthetic, Stranger Things, CoD doing the 80s themed zombies mode, other games doing the cyberpunk thing lately, and Blade Runner coming back the 80s and synth are officially cool again.
For once I was ahead of a trend
Just a few days after Carpenter Brut too.
Little compilation EP inspired by Star Wars
Might pick up Purgatory by Occam's Laser on tape too cuz its 5 bucks
Lazerhawk is doing an AMA right now