Also after listening to Gost's Non Paradisi in full on the way home, it resonated with me waaay more than it did on the first listen.
Dude is definitely my favorite synth artist right now. Perfect mix of heaviness and catchiness. Imo Perturbator has more variance and complexity to his work, but Gost found his sound and sticks to it but he fucking kills that sound
I'm in this New Retro Designers group on FB just so i can see cool artwork by a lot of the artists who do the album covers and shit.
But anyway this dude that is currently a contestant on American Ninja Warrior was getting irate last night because he made a post and wanted people to shoop one of his promo pics into an 80s cyberpunk looking pic as a contest and he'll use the best one. And all the artists were like " you want us all to work for free" and he was like "no this is an amazing opportunity i'll promote your artist page on my social media pages its different"
and they all just kept ragging on the guy and he just deleted the post )
I'm in this New Retro Designers group on FB just so i can see cool artwork by a lot of the artists who do the album covers and shit.
But anyway this dude that is currently a contestant on American Ninja Warrior was getting irate last night because he made a post and wanted people to shoop one of his promo pics into an 80s cyberpunk looking pic as a contest and he'll use the best one. And all the artists were like " you want us all to work for free" and he was like "no this is an amazing opportunity i'll promote your artist page on my social media pages its different"
and they all just kept ragging on the guy and he just deleted the post )
Im in that group to. People try to pull that shit all the time. Its like they dont get these are professional artists that get paid to make their shit.
You always see the no name artists looking for free album art too. Lmao
Yeah i've seen it in the metal community a lot too.
This one just made me laugh because the guy was so adamant that it wasnt like those other people who try and get free art. He was like "you guys dont understand. I've already paid for the photoshoot and the costumes. I'm not trying to get anything for free. This was just a fun contest for the community"
and everyone was like "uhhhh you're trying to get us to edit and alter your photos and draw background images for free" and the dude did just not get it )
Dude is definitely my favorite synth artist right now. Perfect mix of heaviness and catchiness. Imo Perturbator has more variance and complexity to his work, but Gost found his sound and sticks to it but he fucking kills that sound
But anyway this dude that is currently a contestant on American Ninja Warrior was getting irate last night because he made a post and wanted people to shoop one of his promo pics into an 80s cyberpunk looking pic as a contest and he'll use the best one. And all the artists were like " you want us all to work for free" and he was like "no this is an amazing opportunity i'll promote your artist page on my social media pages its different"
and they all just kept ragging on the guy and he just deleted the post
You always see the no name artists looking for free album art too. Lmao
This one just made me laugh because the guy was so adamant that it wasnt like those other people who try and get free art. He was like "you guys dont understand. I've already paid for the photoshoot and the costumes. I'm not trying to get anything for free. This was just a fun contest for the community"
and everyone was like "uhhhh you're trying to get us to edit and alter your photos and draw background images for free" and the dude did just not get it
fuck yeah. They just released a small batch they had in storage and i got one \m/
Happy Valentine's Day Army

Here is my new song to celebrate this special date with your waifu or husbando while sharing some love and passion

I hope you like it! Love you all!"