you should kill yourself...even I can admit when tool makes shitty songs...fuck when they play Intension live I usually get up and leave the room you should cut your dick off and suffocate on it you elitist fuck
I talk a lot of shit about mastodon because their live show is awful. But instrumentals through crack the sky are pretty good..I just can't stand their stupid ass vocals...but you mastodon dick suckers are gonna have to face the fact that they are starting to go downhill...hunter was garbage and This next album is only going to be's just what happens to almost every band that has some kind of major success
two of my best friends favorite band is mastodon :I iv been forced to listen to most of their catalog way to many times...talented musicians...but they are beginning the downward spiral....wont be long before they are headlining uproar
it's literally the most boring song they could pick to play live...same with wings for marie/ 10,000 days...thank god they won't play those to again....I don't think they are bad songs...just completely out of place for a live setting...great songs to go and grab a beer to
with only 10-12 songs a set, I wouldnt have chosen it either, but it sounds absolutely stunning. and with so many people so baked at the show, I wonder where all the hate comes from. the people next to me hated it too and one of the dudes' girls was getting pissed. phonies and phony queen.
this guy gets it
I'll hop off Mastodon when you hop off Tool
I talk a lot of shit about mastodon because their live show is awful. But instrumentals through crack the sky are pretty good..I just can't stand their stupid ass vocals...but you mastodon dick suckers are gonna have to face the fact that they are starting to go downhill...hunter was garbage and This next album is only going to be's just what happens to almost every band that has some kind of major success
shut up nigger like youve listened to a whole mastodon album
lol kill yourself. Go play with your twat you've been all over my dick for about half a year.
He was talking to Rex
doesn't change the fact my dick needs a break from him.
You wish faggot. I was talking to Rex you fucking idiot. You've been cryin about different shit every week for like half a year. End your life.
two of my best friends favorite band is mastodon :I iv been forced to listen to most of their catalog way to many times...talented musicians...but they are beginning the downward spiral....wont be long before they are headlining uproar
Get AIDS and die
paper AS FUCK. end it all.
seriously makes me irate when the only play 10-12 songs a night that they use a fucking filler like that they can kill themselves
And if I'm not mistaken the last time tool toured your town you decided to just not go... You're the paper fan sir
with only 10-12 songs a set, I wouldnt have chosen it either, but it sounds absolutely stunning. and with so many people so baked at the show, I wonder where all the hate comes from. the people next to me hated it too and one of the dudes' girls was getting pissed. phonies and phony queen.