I was pretty disappointed with that one. Stargasm and The Sparrow were amazing, Black Tongue was sweet. The rest was pretty whatever to me. Bonerkilling artwork too.
It would be a little less bad if the stupid skull/guns in the middle wasn't there, just have the barbed wire w/ a abandoned battlefield in the background.
I was pretty disappointed with that one. Stargasm and The Sparrow were amazing, Black Tongue was sweet. The rest was pretty whatever to me. Bonerkilling artwork too.
I'd have more respect for them if they took more than twenty minutes putting it together. I know art is completely subjective, but there's no way that all five of them looked at it and said "Wow, this isn't cheesy at all. This is exactly what we want to represent our image for this next album/tour cycle."
Dude, even all the work from both of those bands had more feeling to it than this. This seriously looks like it was done by some high school sophomore who just started blindly questioning the system.
I don't get why anybody pays attention to ATR anymore. They're just your typical radio metal band now. Last good album was Fall of Ideals. That's one of the few metalcore albums I can get behind.
Unearth has had some pretty bad ass albums As I Lay Dying has also had some really good albums I have a feeling Killswitch's next album is gonna be really good also
Octopus Has No Friends?
My quote isn't working right now.
Maybe it's just because ATR were the first moden metal band i liked, back when FOI was first released, i "want" to like the new album.
As I Lay Dying has also had some really good albums
I have a feeling Killswitch's next album is gonna be really good also