It makes it easier on the relationship. I'm less likely to cheat on him if he lets me go and havea quickie w/ the guy I want while I let him fuck some other chick in the ass. Then we go home and discuss it and go to bed together.
But isn't it in a sense cheating? I'm not trying to question you guys, I'm just trying to understand.
a ton on long term relationships end b/c one partner or the other cheated for sex. Judy and i have been with each other going on 6 years, we will never have the problem. our relationship is actually stronger b/c of it
I have no problem with that lifestyle do whatever makes you happy. And to help your case there have been studies that proved man should not be with just one person. But it's not for me.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
It wouldn't be for me either. I'd get too jealous and I'd explode in the lady And this time when I say explode on the lady, I don't mean jizz on her hahaha
Jealousy comes from the fear of losing someone. I do not fear losing shane to anyone beause he knows he can go take care of his sexual fantasies with someone else if i'm not capable and then come home to me and I'll be waiting for him. Same as the other night I went out on a romantic dinner w/ my female friend, we fucked around, still came home to Shane. He didn't have a fear or losing me. Jealousy will just destroy love.
And this time when I say explode on the lady, I don't mean jizz on her hahaha
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
i lol'd
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)