Yeah I get what you're saying...and iv tried to take that approach every year....I always tell myself to not get worked up...I just can't help no offense but idk of you can really understand...loosing for so many years just has this effect on for real dawg I almost cried after the Baltimore game....we were in control of the division for nearly the entire year and we just couldn't put it away...and I knew after that kick the season was over. It was completely devastating...and it's something. I have tried for years for it to have less of an effect on me...but it's just in my blood....I even completely shut out preseason this year cause I told myself I wasn't gonna get worked up ..that didn't work...I still have days at work where I'm reminded of something that happened this year and I get pissed ) ( I keep it to myself though I don't think it's right to take it out on someone else) iv just come to a realization that it's part of who I am lol..and it's not anything serious...I'm just sad when they lose...or pissed...most the time both
You're right about the dwelling though...I don't get it...I get over everything negative in life so fast...the last two years I decided to just see the positive in life...the lions are literally really the only thing that has a long lasting effect :-<
I think the fact that we got obliterated makes it easier to process tbh.... Like literally 59 minutes and 48 seconds of Denver shitting the bed. Honestly, the Ravens game last year was tougher to swallow. We had the game won, and a freak hail mary tied it up and they won. Seattle was just the better team on Sunday period.
My friend on facebook put it best. The game was over halfway through the second quarter. We had like 3 hours to mourn before the game was even over.
I remember when we lost to Baltimore..Trent Dilfer of all people...Killed me..Put such a knot in my gut for a while...I think I would rather make it to SB and lose then to not make it I guess. Both horrible games to lose anyway you look at it.
Both suck, but i say losing in the conference championship is worse. There will always be that little "what-if" in the back of your head. Like I'm sure 9ers fans are thinking "fuck if only we had beat Seattle, we wouldve whooped Denver and won the Super Bowl" and New England fans are thinking "there's no way we would've gotten destroyed that bad in the SB. If only we beat Denver"
You right. Cause so far I've seen em play the Lions. And if they're 0-2 in my presence against you faggots then I will literally hoist myself up to the highest point in Soldier Field post game, and jump.
My friend on facebook put it best. The game was over halfway through the second quarter. We had like 3 hours to mourn before the game was even over.
Did a kickoff return at practice going at full speed and got layed out. That's why he has that big gash on the side of his face with stitches