Lol kill yourself I don't just sling tacos I run the whole business
And get paid like shit for it )
Fucking Christ don't remind me...but I didn't have any experience....cousin is gonna try and get me in at her place...their shift managers make a dollar more then I do and prolly do 1/2 the work
I mean it's easy work...bit I would be making 25k-30k doing what I do at mcdonalds prolly...I could go work for a chain but I like the idea of working for a family owned business...and I get away with a lot of shit I wouldn't get away with at a normal job
I got it from hard work and showing up everyday....I was promoted from a minimum wage part time to lead store manager In 6 months...was awesome...technically were not fast good...we use all natural ingredients and cook the shit ourselves...much better option the most fast food...iv worked a lot of retail to...before this I had never worked in food
Fucking Christ don't remind me...but I didn't have any experience....cousin is gonna try and get me in at her place...their shift managers make a dollar more then I do
This is awesome \m/