When I got outta rehab they were 3-5, watched every game. Idek what ure talking about last year.. I'm always going at it with the girls fans... You're just worse than the girls, the giants, the pats... So now I'm going at it with you, a guy who is over losing in the sb a day later... If that's not a paper fan, Christ I don't know what is.
Whats the point of crying about it? Sorry I'm not a pussy like you and get my feelings hurt over a game. We lost. Cool. Life goes on. There's always next year.
You're the saltiest motherfucker I've ever met ) Your team goes one and done so you decide to be a faggot and ride my dick the rest of the playoffs.
Rehab is no excuse paper ass nigga [-X
7 year contract
> Team gets killed, still talks shit...
> Team shits the bed in the first round
> Still talks shit for the entire month
You're the saltiest motherfucker I've ever met
> respond
> Irate
Lions will never make it to the Superbowl.
Of course I'm gonna defend my team when people shit talk them. Especially when its from fans of sorry ass teams like the Bears and Eagles.