Actually no. Your point was judges only do this because they have an ego and want to be in control. Guess what they were put there to do exactly that. Do not put yourself there and in a spot where they can use things against you and you won't have a problem. Chad was there for domestic violence. Which he owned up to. Domestic violence is serious so when you act out during your sentencing chances are you're going to hurt yourself in the end. Had he not acted out he would be doing his community service but no.
Every time something happens a lot of you would rather not blame the person doing the action but rather say fuck the authorities. Its pretty sad.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I was speaking more generally about smiling.. The point is a judge acts like this fucking big shot and can basically do whatever he wants.. This is America.. What you wear to court should be irrelevant.. Your demeanor in court should be irrelevant.. It should be based on the crimes or business only not what some dickhead on a power trip finds appropriate
Did not see this before. I agree with what you wear but disagree on demeanor.
My comment below this was not towards you.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Every time something happens a lot of you would rather not blame the person doing the action but rather say fuck the authorities. Its pretty sad.
American justice system \m/
My comment below this was not towards you.