Saw Anvil for free. Got shit faced. Hung out with Diamond Plate and Scott from Cianide. Met Anvil and hung in the vip room. Lips is a prick and he alone will be the reason I never see Anvil. I will go out of my way to not see them at MDF.
Big time douche. Went to take a pic and he gave me sass for taking too long (an entire 5 seconds) and told me he wasnt taking a sequence for me and he had other fans to meet... FYI.. there were no other fans waiting so he walked to the front of reggies to try to stroke his faggot ego. Then when I took the pic and said try to look cool he told me he didn't need to try because Anvil was cool.
I will go out of my way to not see them at MDF.
Beer at the fest/beer at the hotel room or with the way the lineup goes.. maybe a hopeful overlap.
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Beer at the fest/beer at the hotel room or with the way the lineup goes.. maybe a hopeful overlap.