I am fucking speechless right now. My Cousin called me up and told me he showed my shit to his label, and they really liked it. They're thinking of signing me. They want me to work with Mikey and Magek and record some songs with them in the studio. They gave me a couple beats they want me to write 16 bars to, I Need A Doctor being one of them. I'm fucking shaking right now. This is the beginning to everything I've ever wanted. I'm fighting back tears right now. I haven't been this happy in quite a while. No one will ever bring me down.
They also mentioned me playing one of their shows... I can't believe this. The thought of being on stage. This is almost too much to take in right now. Everything I've ever fucking wanted...
Nah it's pretty chill.
...can I help you find something?
Sure I only have about 150 people listening, but you never know.