This new song I made for the label. They wanted me to make a party/smoking song to see how I could do it. I fucking love the chorus I made for it, it's so catchy. He said I can't put it up yet though.
Reading this just now on Facebook. Gave me momentary goosebumps. Feels fucking good man.
Tha 3/9 is about to adopt a beast..yall better be afraid becuz we dont even have to start from tha ground up..we at da roof working on expanding this bitch!!TREY 9!!!!!COLD 4 LIFE!!!CHHEEEEAAA!!!!...
Okay I get there is a certain way to go about things in different scenes, but they can't possibly be this stupid. That just gave me a headache trying to read that post Erik.
Also I hope you didn't take my comment as negative in your recent work thread.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Scroobius Pip putting this message on facebook lolz
We get a lot of "Come to {insert town name here}" comments, which is all well and good but... when was the last time any of YOU came to Stanford le Hope to visit me? Or to Reading to visit dan? So rude...
:bz :bz :bz
Tha 3/9 is about to adopt a beast..yall better be afraid becuz we dont even have to start from tha ground up..we at da roof working on expanding this bitch!!TREY 9!!!!!COLD 4 LIFE!!!CHHEEEEAAA!!!!...
Also I hope you didn't take my comment as negative in your recent work thread.
We get a lot of "Come to {insert town name here}" comments, which is all well and good but... when was the last time any of YOU came to Stanford le Hope to visit me? Or to Reading to visit dan? So rude...
I would love to see this live.
Dial-up modem noises slowed down 700%. Awesome.
Dial-Up solo @ 2:50