Yeah...fuckin' sucks cuz I wanted to go really bad too. There's also the times afterwards where someone would be like "Oh, you wanted to go? Should have got ahold of me" -__-
That son of beast ( which has been shut down 2 and a half years) will be getting a partially new track layout in one last effort to save the ride for next year if it doesn't work it will get demolished. Also for the 40th anniversary next year they will be building a new steel roller coaster.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I'd imagine so the ride has sat for so long and Texas giant just had a makeover and is better then ever so I would imagine they are going to give son of beast the same treatment.
The steel coaster could go either way but it makes sense if you're going to try and re open a wooden coaster for that year in why have another new wooden one opening up
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I want more >_<
Lol kings island deleted and blocked me on Facebook. They get butthurt so easily. God forbid I leak one secret
I so excited. Looks real good
I'd imagine so the ride has sat for so long and Texas giant just had a makeover and is better then ever so I would imagine they are going to give son of beast the same treatment.
The steel coaster could go either way but it makes sense if you're going to try and re open a wooden coaster for that year in why have another new wooden one opening up