I took myself off of adderall senior year. I don't discredit that it helps but I learned to deal with not having it when I got a little older. At times the hyperactivity sets in and I can't focus but for the most part I'm fine
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I tend to match my shirts with my shoes. Granted all my shirts are black, but if the design has a lot of red, I'll wear red shoes. If it has a lot of green I'll wear green shoes. Unless I'm lazy then I'll put on black shoes or my Doc's. :bz
The only time I ever match is when my shirt is only black and white, because that's the colors that my shoes are. But when it happens and I notice it, it kind of feels cool. Not gonna lie. :bz
oh and new AA! song tomorrow
apparently its the heaviest theyve written
And my purse with my clothes.
And my clothes with my shoes. Sigghhh.
they can be both sexes so maybe
Works like no other, but goddamn does it take away my appetite and make me a nervous wreck :-S