Do you want to get on xbl later and play Wager with us? Oh, I forgot while I'm typing this and too lazy to forget this message. You sold Black Ops, douchebag.
Now yall want stop playing kiddie games like Team Deathmatch and play the big boy game modes. The fuck man <_> I said I was going to buy it again.
I worked for 10 hours with a catering company today and made 120 dollars. Then on the way home this girl(meh looking) who works at this corner store I go to a lot who is totally into me got into a conversation with me about Radiohead, turns out she likes them which makes her instantly more attractive for some reason.
You just won on such an epic fucking level. *Brofist.*
I am relieved!
King's X had a song called Charlie Sheen 11 years ago, talk about being ahead of the curve.
God that cracked me up earlier when Will asked me "Ellie, why did you name your Pokemon D-I-C-K-S?"
i used play against jag in nhl09