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Looking into alternative study abroad. Finland it might be.
Looking into alternative study abroad. Finland it might be. Lucky.
Looking into alternative study abroad. Finland it might be. Lucky. Norway is looking to be less of a possibility. Finland will be a shorter time, but about 1/8 of the cost of the Norway program.
Looking into alternative study abroad. Finland it might be. Lucky. Norway is looking to be less of a possibility. Finland will be a shorter time, but about 1/8 of the cost of the Norway program. Either way, that's badass! Congrats! :-bd
It's Europe. Everywhere is amazing there. :-))
Except for Eastern Europe...{Upload|7271}
I'd still live there. :-bd
I'd still live there. :-bd <_>
I also love how big of a fuck you this is to the Metal community and how many people will undoubtedly get asshurt.
cant wait for my snow n twig.
Edit: On second though, nevermind. I want some rich European guy to marry me so we can go live in his mansion happily ever after. And have a teensy giraffe.