I don't know the guy. I'm sure he's cool as hell to most people. I'll hang with him anytime. But he, like everybody else, has his moments too. It sucks he had a shitty interaction with Angus, but I'm not basing my opinion of Angus on Brent's word either.
I love mastodon and brent in general but he has a pretty long history of negative interactions with people. He posted a thing on insta bitching out a guitar designer for making him a signature guitar and then charging him for it.
Years of drug abuse dont exactly make you a people person
Not to mention he got his head split open by SOAD's bassist because he was being a beligerant drunk and shit talking them without actually knowing the guys
If you see someone who just seems to find themselves in bad situations with people who don't seem to have issues with anyone else it's usually a telltale sign that they're just difficult
After ETID closed their stage at the last date of Warped Tour, and they finished their set, Jordan (guitarist) played the guitar part to the song for a few minutes minutes after it ended by himself, and just stood on the stage while the crew started to tear down, refusing to leave. He even kept playing after the power was cut. Security went to remove him and he stage dove.
A lot of people like to shit on it but Warped meant a lot to me through the years why I showed up to 10 of them. I was glad m best friend growing up who used to go every year with me was able to make it this year. We haven’t been able to spend a lot of time together but we made sure we could meet up for this.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
warped was fun the 4 times I went. its just an oven here in the summer so its a living hell. also tons of jailbait and a LOT of shitty bands. but it was decent.
Years of drug abuse dont exactly make you a people person
I miss Mayhem Fest though