WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
> noticed I was on month 23 of 24 for $25 dollars off my directTV. Didn’t want bill going up to $100 > notice I’m going to be billed 64.99 per month for 6 months of Sunday ticket unless I call > call to cancel. Save myself $75/month > guy says if I don’t cancel he can give me $60 off per month for 12 months cancel anytime. > ask what he can do for adding Sunday ticket... 34.99 per month for 6 months
> noticed I was on month 23 of 24 for $25 dollars off my directTV. Didn’t want bill going up to $100 > notice I’m going to be billed 64.99 per month for 6 months of Sunday ticket unless I call > call to cancel. Save myself $75/month > guy says if I don’t cancel he can give me $60 off per month for 12 months cancel anytime. > ask what he can do for adding Sunday ticket... 34.99 per month for 6 months
cheepskate dont know how to treat da pussaez
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Oh fuck off. If someone telling you that your lifelong work has inspired them to create their own, and your response is fuck off, you're a cunt.
Even that wording is better than "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you" (cringe as fuck) not to mention it's during a fucking bathroom break. He is another professional, high level musician, not just some random fan. He should know better, fucking act like you've been here before. His sentiment might have been real, but his timing and the way he worded it killed any sincerity he may have had.
I'm at least partially basing his cuntness on how he/they treated Brian Johnson a well
Brent's cuntness is not an unregistered amount either.
I've known Brent Hinds since I was 17. He's pretty awesome. Funny as hell and really inclusive. I haven't seen him in person in several years, but I have a lot of friends that stay in contact with him regularly and by all accounts, he hasn't changed. Anyone being a cunt to him can fuck off afaic. AC/DC has been shit since Bon died anyway
I'm at least partially basing his cuntness on how he/they treated Brian Johnson a well
Brent's cuntness is not an unregistered amount either.
I've known Brent Hinds since I was 17. He's pretty awesome. Funny as hell and really inclusive. I haven't seen him in person in several years, but I have a lot of friends that stay in contact with him regularly and by all accounts, he hasn't changed. Anyone being a cunt to him can fuck off afaic. AC/DC has been shit since Bon died anyway
Apparently your friend Brent feels differently. He wouldn't even be where he is today if not for Angus remember? Damn near ever article, interview, or statement I've ever seen from the guy is him being a cunt about something, or being backhanded about shit.
This was the last one I saw if you want to play count the cunty things.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I hope you get listeria or salmonella and die before that HIV kicks in
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
> notice I’m going to be billed 64.99 per month for 6 months of Sunday ticket unless I call
> call to cancel. Save myself $75/month
> guy says if I don’t cancel he can give me $60 off per month for 12 months cancel anytime.
> ask what he can do for adding Sunday ticket... 34.99 per month for 6 months
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Angus Young sounds like a cunt. Why did he need an escort to the bathroom anyways?
I read that story and could see Angus not wanting some grown man blowing smoke up his as like a fan girl while he's just wanting to take a piss.
"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you dude!"
Fucking really Brent?
Even that wording is better than "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you" (cringe as fuck) not to mention it's during a fucking bathroom break. He is another professional, high level musician, not just some random fan. He should know better, fucking act like you've been here before. His sentiment might have been real, but his timing and the way he worded it killed any sincerity he may have had.
He went full fan girl.
Brent's cuntness is not an unregistered amount either.
Apparently your friend Brent feels differently. He wouldn't even be where he is today if not for Angus remember? Damn near ever article, interview, or statement I've ever seen from the guy is him being a cunt about something, or being backhanded about shit.
This was the last one I saw if you want to play count the cunty things.