Ash Borer played all new, unreleased material last night and it was the best performance I've seen from them and the best performance so far at the fest. Fuck their new album is gonna rip. The new material is way more aggressive than anything they've done before. fuuuucck
I love crown though. Like really love crown. Tried to cheer up my roommate who currently has literally all of his shit broken by buying vodka. Never again. Fuck that.
I don't even like the taste. That's why I got the coconut 1800. It kills the after taste a but. But I love the buzz but if you stay hydrated 0 hangovers.
For for the record after taking the dog out I'm just still drunk I realized doe.
but iv been doing it for about a month now and results are amazing.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Tried to cheer up my roommate who currently has literally all of his shit broken by buying vodka. Never again. Fuck that.
For for the record after taking the dog out I'm just still drunk I realized doe.
but iv been doing it for about a month now and results are amazing.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Ive only put like two pics on here..