I actually saw Metallica last year at Lollapalooza. They were playing while I was waitin for someone else, forgot what headliner I watched that night. So I'm like fuck it it's Metallica I'll go check em out. Watched em for like 15 minutes and dipped lmao.
India and I bailed before what we thought was the encore at Orion because the transportation..for fucks say you guys have no idea how badly it was organized. All these fucking drunk people on an island trying to funnel down to a single file line to get on busses going to either Canada or Detroit. Shit took forever after the chili peppers so we thought we'd cut out and dodge all of that nonsense. My dad's phone died so we didn't know him and his gf stayed for the entirety of Metallica's set which turned out to be like 9 more fucking songs. It was a whole mess that resulted into a trip back into downtown Detroit to look for my missing dad only to find out that they did take a cab back to the hotel where I had previously been working towards some gushy gushy wet wet. Also called 911 that night because there was a car accident that had clearly just happened.
First day of Orion was a nightmare getting to and from the place but the second day was the complete opposite for us lol. That was a lot of fun. Nothing's going to beat seeing Metallica play through Kill 'Em All on a side stage.
I guess if I grew up in the wake of the shitty Load albums the way most of you did, it wouldn't bother me how Jaymz sings now. I came up when there was little dividing Metallica from other thrash metal screamers. To have him sing in this pseudo-country shit like he does now is tremendously off-putting
Last night was a good night. My brother was home from school, and I got my best friends to actually come over at the same time for the first time in a while. Just drank Dew, played board and video games, watched Hardcore Henry, listened to music. Just an old school hang out. Felt good.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)