Really though if you're going to try and throw that kind of comment out, then you have to accept ICP type juggalo shit as part of your community.
Lol not really. That Horrorcore shit is it's own breed entirely which is why mfs like Hopsin are playin shows wit Metal bands. And most Juggalos like heavier shit anyways and listen to like Limp Bizkit and not much else as far as Rap/Hip Hop.
Because you know every metal head and what they listen to? Dude weren't like 5 of us just having a conversation about Kanye's new album?
I don't think Phil has ever apologized for shit like this and don't believe he ever should since it's part of who he is. He has made excuses for it though such as the white wine and it being a joke. He should just own up to it already
Piece of shit human beings in the Metal scene. Wow shocker.
Bruh you cant even pretend rap and hip hop is full of role model artists. Its mostly dudes making up a bunch of bullshit from their past. No way half of these dudes used to trap hard as fuck or killin niggas like they claim. They'd all be serving life sentences if they even committed half the crimes they brag about in their songs.
Well, unless Burzum counts, then I do.
Some DSBM I cant take seriously though, like Sterbend. Because of their vocals.
Atheist, Trouble, C.O.C, Malevolent Creation, Broken Hope all killed it. Deicide and Madball kinda blew.