I made a FB post expressing my overall thoughts. I'm sure I pissed somebody off with it. If you don't wanna look on FB:
"Yay, more controversy...
So Phil Anselmo really messed up, and what he said has divided the metal community.
I have always thought of metal as being a really inclusive scene. A scene that included everyone regardless of religion, race, gender, or ideology. I've seen people from all different walks of life enjoying metal. Sure you have some ignorant people in the scene, and nobody should be exempt from criticism, but I never thought the scene as a whole had a problem. Maybe it does? I'd like to think that the ideologies of a few in the scene don't dictate that of the whole.
I do like Pantera. I will continue to listen to Pantera, as a I continue to listen to Burzum despite Varg being a complete tool. I have the ability to separate the art from the artist, and it is expected in life that you won't agree with everything people you enjoy say. Phil said some stupid things. Do I think he's Satan? No. Do I think he really was trying to be funny, or make a joke (an offensive joke done in bad taste - especially given his history, but a joke nonetheless)? Maybe, but its a stretch. Overall, I just think he is ignorant.
As I always tout (and as Robb said), I am pro freedom of speech. And as such, Phil has a right to any ignorant backwards ideology he wants to prescribe to, and is allowed to say whatever he wants. But that doesn't make him exempt from criticism.
I think the whole situation is a little blown out of proportion. As with anytime a celebrity or public figure does or says something stupid. They are only human, and every body - EVERY BODY - says or does some stupid things in their life. That being said Phil does need to see that the majority of people don't agree with him, and that he isn't some untouchable immortal icon exempt from criticism."
I mean...the dudes got a band with a bunch of Mexicans called The Illegals. Played with Jew Kirk Windstein in Down for 20 years. He married a Jewish girl for a while. That homo Axl joked about it before (http://www.metalsucks.net/2012/11/13/who-is-phil-anselmos-favorite-jew/)so he's not naive to all this. He's just being a blowhard about it now for more clicks. Same for Laurence Cardine. MFH did suck during their Nigger period.
"I'm a meth head and alkie
Dumb cunt been called a junkie
A retard and a pussy
And I embrace the names you call me"
"I'm a redneck and faggot
The asshole ignoramus
A wetback and a nigga
And I raise my middle fingers"
I made a FB post expressing my overall thoughts. I'm sure I pissed somebody off with it.
If you don't wanna look on FB:
"Yay, more controversy...
So Phil Anselmo really messed up, and what he said has divided the metal community.
I have always thought of metal as being a really inclusive scene. A scene that included everyone regardless of religion, race, gender, or ideology. I've seen people from all different walks of life enjoying metal. Sure you have some ignorant people in the scene, and nobody should be exempt from criticism, but I never thought the scene as a whole had a problem. Maybe it does? I'd like to think that the ideologies of a few in the scene don't dictate that of the whole.
I do like Pantera. I will continue to listen to Pantera, as a I continue to listen to Burzum despite Varg being a complete tool. I have the ability to separate the art from the artist, and it is expected in life that you won't agree with everything people you enjoy say. Phil said some stupid things. Do I think he's Satan? No. Do I think he really was trying to be funny, or make a joke (an offensive joke done in bad taste - especially given his history, but a joke nonetheless)? Maybe, but its a stretch. Overall, I just think he is ignorant.
As I always tout (and as Robb said), I am pro freedom of speech. And as such, Phil has a right to any ignorant backwards ideology he wants to prescribe to, and is allowed to say whatever he wants. But that doesn't make him exempt from criticism.
I think the whole situation is a little blown out of proportion. As with anytime a celebrity or public figure does or says something stupid. They are only human, and every body - EVERY BODY - says or does some stupid things in their life. That being said Phil does need to see that the majority of people don't agree with him, and that he isn't some untouchable immortal icon exempt from criticism."