I want to apologize to all of you. Especially Wake.
I dont know why that set me off, but it did. I dont understand everything that went on. And its not my business. I am sorry. Its not a big deal what you did, but for whatever reason it set me off.
I know you just look at me as a confused asshole who doesnt understand anything. But my emotions get the best of me. Im trying to get better eliminating my emotions. Its been hard.
My emotions are high, and I drank a lot today. I dont know what I want out of life. I know Im miserable and negative. But I also know I dont want to change.
I dont fucking know anymore.
Thanks, I appreciate the apology.
you shouldn't work on eliminating emotions, because emotions are a part of humanity. Don't work on eliminating them but work on keeping control of them. There's a difference. Here is an analogy of what I mean- you walk into a room and see your wife fucking the next door neighbor. Your reaction to that shouldn't be indifference. You should feel pain because that is life and natural human experience. What you shouldn't do is grab a gun and shoot them both because you have no control over your emotions.
I run my mouth a lot and hurt people, and find myself apologizing more often than I want. Im a horrible person
Nah. You didn't hurt my feelings. I actually more dislike people who can't appologize when they are obviously wrong, verses people who appologize a lot.
Remember - why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up. You learn from mistakes so having to appologize is really just you going through a learning experience
MC you aren't that much different from the rest of us. Hell I have decent goals and aspirations with myself, and am doing better financially than I ever have in my life but I still get depressed and think sometimes about what I'm doing with my life and if it's what I want. It's a natural process of being human.
Youre not not supposed to know what you want to do with yourself at your age. The rest of your life is to figure that out. You're alive man. Just live life to the fullest and learn from your mistakes instead of dwelling on them.
Works for me.
you shouldn't work on eliminating emotions, because emotions are a part of humanity. Don't work
on eliminating them but work on keeping control of them. There's a difference. Here is an analogy of what I mean- you walk into a room and see your wife fucking the next door neighbor. Your reaction to that shouldn't be indifference. You should feel pain because that is life and natural human experience. What you shouldn't do is grab a gun and shoot them both because you have no control over your emotions.
>uses sex as a reference point
Remember - why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up. You learn from mistakes so having to appologize is really just you going through a learning experience
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Youre not not supposed to know what you want to do with yourself at your age. The rest of your life is to figure that out. You're alive man. Just live life to the fullest and learn from your mistakes instead of dwelling on them.
in your sack Rexxie
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)