Just got a milkshake at friendlys and the lady who made it was brand new. She must have been like 40. Literally didn't even know how to make a milkshake... It's milk and fucking ice cream.. So she puts it under the little blender thingy and it literally just fucking goes everywhere lmao easily top five funniest things I've ever seen with my own eyes
Just got a milkshake at friendlys and the lady who made it was brand new. She must have been like 40. Literally didn't even know how to make a milkshake... It's milk and fucking ice cream.. So she puts it under the little blender thingy and it literally just fucking goes everywhere lmao easily top five funniest things I've ever seen with my own eyes
I read this while listening to this song and I spit out my drink from laughing so hard ))))))))))
Talking to the coolest online chick ever rn. She is prob going to Alex Greys weird hippie church thing tomm night where he does live paintings and shit. She's pretty hot too. I found the rare unicorn girl, time to blow it
She seems to be doing amazing. I haven't been to any shows in a good while so I haven't ran into her since Saint Vitus back in 2013. Or maybe it was Pentagram a few months later
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Interesting girls do exist somewhere... and I will never talk to them.