All those bands are melodeath. Just because some idiot on the internet declares it doesnt make it true. If that were the case then Amon Amarth is viking metal
Nah, you just don't want to admit these bands are thrash.
They play fast. They play technical. And they also have melodic leads, and catchy fills. It is what it is.
Amon Amarth doesn't sound "viking metal" (which is really considered to be more blackened/doomy folk metal Bathory kinda stuff), they sound melodeath. No melodeath plays as fast and as technical as these melothrash bands.
I've heard Children of Bodom referred to as thrash before. I think their more power/death metal than thrash, personally. They def have thrash elements. Regardless, melothrash is a thing. Stay salty.
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They play fast. They play technical. And they also have melodic leads, and catchy fills. It is what it is.
Amon Amarth doesn't sound "viking metal" (which is really considered to be more blackened/doomy folk metal Bathory kinda stuff), they sound melodeath. No melodeath plays as fast and as technical as these melothrash bands.
This isn't thrash?
this isn't thrash?
or this?
fuck outta here
"oh man just played dat final fantasy remake! Its only 60 bucks for each episode. Or buy the season pass at a steal for 150. Best gameplay and graphics ever. Preorder at"
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