And it's funny how only I'm called out about the pussy stories. For all we know Xeno could be lyin too about all these Tinder bitches but yall eat that shit right up. It's the internet. But oh yea it's me so everything I say is a lie, almost forgot.
Like I don't even flex... I straight up said I didn't end up hittin the one bitch so why would I make up a story that didn't end in penetration? Yall are ridiculous. Maybe next time I'll film it. Yall like ridin my dick so much so I'll provide a nice view of it. And it ain't cp anymore so I'll gladly do it.
And it's funny how only I'm called out about the pussy stories. For all we know Xeno could be lyin too about all these Tinder bitches but yall eat that shit right up. It's the internet. But oh yea it's me so everything I say is a lie, almost forgot.
Not that i think you're lying, but Xeno has posted hella screenshots of texts/snaps
MC, when you're back Imma pick you up and we're hittin Polekatz. I went there for my first time recently and it was fun as fuck. You'll dig it. I'll even buy you an $8 beer lol
Realizing that I will be seeing Sabbath on the farewell tour twice (Jan 22 and Sept 4. The Sept 4 show will theoretically be my last time seeing thing and they will be playing the Hollywood Casino Amphitheater in IL. Thats where I saw them for my first time on the 13 tour. I will be seeing Sabbath a 3rd and final time in the exact same spot I saw them for my 1st time. The powers of Satan are so poetic :')
MC, when you're back Imma pick you up and we're hittin Polekatz. I went there for my first time recently and it was fun as fuck. You'll dig it. I'll even buy you an $8 beer lol
Downs confirmed
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)