That's not what I mean. Like...I knew this dude in school that would shave his pubes and do weird shit like sprinkle them on people's food when they weren't looking and other nasty shit. Then I've known people that liked to lick body hair during sex. All of it is foreign to me
That's not what I mean. Like...I knew this dude in school that would shave his pubes and do weird shit like sprinkle them on people's food when they weren't looking and other nasty shit. Then I've known people that liked to lick body hair during sex. All of it is foreign to me
I can deal with pubes on guys, cuz I know it's quite the bitch to have everything clean shaven down there. But girls? Nope. I prefer very very little or nothing at all
This guy I knew in school had this thing that (as far as I know) he was only able to accomplish twice, and that was to get people so drunk he could shave their heads then stick his pubes all over their head. He called it "Niggering" them for obv reasons. He said he learned it from his uncle. I couldn't ever believe someone would go through so much effort. Full disclosure: I found out about this because he shaved my head one night and I woke up before he could finish. A "friend" told me what he was trying to do later on
I can deal with pubes on guys, cuz I know it's quite the bitch to have everything clean shaven down there. But girls? Nope. I prefer very very little or nothing at all
My girlfriend is the same. She shaves everything below the naval every couple of days
I would shave everything if that's what it took. I hate eating hairy pussy. I'm old enough to have been muff diving before shaving was really a thing and I'd like to not go back
Lol independent parties will never win, even if they did get the exposure.
theoretically they could win. The system allows if as long as the people didn't get afraid they were "throwing their votes away"
Virtually impossible now. It's pretty much impossible for a candidate who would be able to gather enough votes to win to actually get on debates. That being said the Internet may change this.
Yea I just dont shave
My philosophy is: if I dont shave, you dont have to either.
Not that I'd ever see a girls pubes anyways though
But it applies to like pits and whatever too.