in middle school this kid had a lan party and his parents had converted an old barn on their property into a hangout spot with a ton of big screens and bean bags and shit. Was pretty dope
Uh... Yea I got an entire team round me. So what you mean?
Ive been friends with these guys for the majority of my life. How much does your "team" really mean to you? How much do you mean to them? I'd die for my friends. Kill for them. Are you willing to do that Does it go beyond superficial public status and image? Because that "team" doesnt seem like the bond goes deeper than surface level. If it does, great.
Basically the exact opposite of hanging with girls
in middle school this kid had a lan party and his parents had converted an old barn on their property into a hangout spot with a ton of big screens and bean bags and shit. Was pretty dope
Ok so that sounds like a sausage fest
You basement probably smells of fusty socks and toe jam too
Wtf is fusty
Fusty is like moist and sweaty and putrid
should delete you faggots for using my picture
k erik
that's the joke
Lol @ Erik marking spam for me LANning. So much cooler than me 8->
Least I have friends.
MC firing shots :O
Uh... Yea I got an entire team round me. So what you mean?
Ive been friends with these guys for the majority of my life. How much does your "team" really mean to you? How much do you mean to them? I'd die for my friends. Kill for them. Are you willing to do that Does it go beyond superficial public status and image? Because that "team" doesnt seem like the bond goes deeper than surface level. If it does, great.
Shit, son.