Shit is harmful Erik I don't care if you think only doing it once a month is moderation and your're not....I know people who did the same as you...and they are all bat shit insane
you arent his mom, stop riding his ass. If he wants to drink syrup, what business is it of yours? none.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
You seem to keep forgetting who it is we are talking about... his drug phase is probably just as made up as his girl phase. Is he really taking 40 pills? Doubt it. So stop acting like his mom and let the kid do what the kid is going to do.
Difference is I like a Erik...he prolly won't listen...I'm just trying to give him advice as a person who did a lot of's effected my adult life
You seem to keep forgetting who it is we are talking about... his drug phase is probably just as made up as his girl phase. Is he really taking 40 pills? Doubt it. So stop acting like his mom and let the kid do what the kid is going to do.
You seem to keep forgetting who it is we are talking about... his drug phase is probably just as made up as his girl phase. Is he really taking 40 pills? Doubt it. So stop acting like his mom and let the kid do what the kid is going to do.
Shut the fuck up
you can't tell me to shut the fuck up to my shut the fuck up. you shut the fuck up
Anyways, Rex, I don't know what drugs you did when you were younger, but real talk do some research on DXM. There's no real risk to it unless it's abused or taken in ridiculously high amounts. And it does do work on your kidneys as Satan said, but no more than getting trashed does, so literally, pick your poison. What I have heard is common wit DXM is it eventually stops having any effect on you. It won't get you high no matter how much you take. And it usually happens after 60-80 uses. So Im'ma enjoy the fuck out of it 'til that happens.
Shit is harmful Erik I don't care if you think only doing it once a month is moderation and your're not....I know people who did the same as you...and they are all bat shit insane
Iv done my share of cough was fun....I'm just saying that I using drugs like that and various other ones I did...oxy.... Vicodin....all that use while my body was developing I'm convinced it made my anxiety and depression as an adult worse...just smoke weed \m/
It depends who you ask. There are conflicting studies on the subject. Although most of the medicine field seems to point towards research done by the University Of Texas earlier this year. They had four different control groups, and all of them reached the same conclusion: kill yourself.
Erik...he prolly won't listen...I'm just trying to give him advice as a person who did a lot of's effected my adult life
Anyways, Rex, I don't know what drugs you did when you were younger, but real talk do some research on DXM. There's no real risk to it unless it's abused or taken in ridiculously high amounts. And it does do work on your kidneys as Satan said, but no more than getting trashed does, so literally, pick your poison. What I have heard is common wit DXM is it eventually stops having any effect on you. It won't get you high no matter how much you take. And it usually happens after 60-80 uses.
anyone know the answer to my question? Or was that just shit erik was making up