Yup,... your still a little bitch trying to act internet tough.
I'm just saying,... why work at a place like that when your dreams are in the music business? I would think you would do anything to get your foot in the door of a studio or something like that. And no shit you have no experience,.... I didn't say start recording #1 tracks,... I said clean their fucking toilets.
Hot headed little bitch. I swear you are a woman.
Yea exactly, my dreams are in the music business, and the main reason I want this job is to support my music. Studio time, mixtape covers, duplication, more equipment for my home studio, music videos, etc. That shit ain't cheap.
Scraping other artists' shit out of a studio toilet? Yea, SOOO much more pride in that than working fast food. 8-| Kill yourself. I'm constantly "in the door of a studio" between my home studio and the professional studio I go to in Chicago. And I make my connections little by little by doing so without cleaning their toilets.
$1,000 a month is a lot for a kid who ain't got bills to pay. Why you hating?
Dude you aren't going to get that much. You have to think of taxes, healthcare, and all the other shit they take out of your check and you aren't guaranteed those 30 hours. You will be lucky to get passed 22 hours at all. Not hating just don't want you to get your hopes up. Happy for you doe.
Scraping other artists' shit out of a studio toilet? Yea, SOOO much more pride in that than working fast food. 8-| Kill yourself. I'm constantly "in the door of a studio" between my home studio and the professional studio I go to in Chicago. And I make my connections little by little by doing so without cleaning their toilets.
>Writes sober 90% of the time.
>Can't write sober.
Oh boy you sure got ME! Whew!
$1,000 a month is a lot for a kid who ain't got bills to pay. Why you hating?
I'm not writing you off. :-|
But this is gonna be the first time I have my own real money to spend. Damn right Im'ma treat myself and go in at first.
Post-job: Lol wow Dunkin' Donuts? Let's hate some more.
I'm sure y'all were some class A CEOs for your first jobs as teenagers.
LOL wut?
Not hating here though, it'll be a good first job. Certainly much better than most other fast food places.