seems sketch to me, but to each his own, and Im all for mind expansion n shit.
I just dont really think I could bring myself to swallow an entire bottle of pills
Well there's also the syrup lol. Either way, it's harmless unless a stupidly high (I'm talking 3,000+Mg, and 40 pills is 600mg.) amount is taken, or it's abused. Rule of thumb is no more often than every 2 weeks. I think there's only been one time I did it twice in a single month. I did shit tons of research on it at first, and still read about it from time to time, as well as trip reports online from other people. It's definitely something that should be experienced, especially since I've seen you say you're open to trying LSD and DMT, this is no worse. By far my favorite high, no contest.
My best DXM experience was prolly when I played through Journey on it. Fitting fucking title. I started the game just as it hit me, and beat it by the time I was coming down. Man I still remember that shit. Life changing tbh.
I actually had the opportunity a little over a month ago at the studio to pop a Molly finally, but it was offered before I did my 2 hours in the booth, and I didn't wanna be too fucked up to record properly. )
I wouldn't call me straight edge at all, I just disagreed with Acid being life changing. You know what is life changing? Having a baby. lol. but seriously, it's not that I am against drugs, just glad im not personally using them anymore because I have shit to do. I dont really care or look down on others for them deciding they want to use drugs. I support 100% drug deregulation of all banned substances.
I've done all of these except dmt ( :-< ) and LSD is the pinnacle. You get good trips and it will change your life. Chuck agrees. Molly is dangerous for me because I'm manic depressive and the day after is really rough on me. Shrooms are only cool if you've never had acid because they're basically acid at 40%. I think Addys are pretty useful. I got a lot of shit done when I had them. Last time I took em, I built a pretty nice doghouse from scratch in about an hour
Shit is harmful Erik I don't care if you think only doing it once a month is moderation and your're not....I know people who did the same as you...and they are all bat shit insane
I just dont really think I could bring myself to swallow an entire bottle of pills
Well there's also the syrup lol. Either way, it's harmless unless a stupidly high (I'm talking 3,000+Mg, and 40 pills is 600mg.) amount is taken, or it's abused. Rule of thumb is no more often than every 2 weeks. I think there's only been one time I did it twice in a single month. I did shit tons of research on it at first, and still read about it from time to time, as well as trip reports online from other people. It's definitely something that should be experienced, especially since I've seen you say you're open to trying LSD and DMT, this is no worse. By far my favorite high, no contest.
That's it I think.