Music Notation. I think what basically happened was that I didn't understand one tiny yet vital bit of information somewhere in there, which made me figuratively made me trip on my shoe laces.
Haha. I know what you mean. You'd think I wouldn't write/type anything after going over my 20pg final exam, cutting it down to 13, then up to 14 then going through multiple edits. But no, I can't wait to get it back and continue.
I'm still most likely going to be taking a brief online course over the summer (so that I can actually graduate on time), but it shouldn't be AS much of a bitch. I would take it on campus, but it looks like this summer I'm actually going to make it to the east coast (I've never been further east than New Mexico), so it's a very big deal for me. haha
The east coast is great, trust me. I have yet to take an online course. I feel that I'd get distracted too much. My best friend too Psych and English Comp online twice and failed both of them both times.
Yeah I've taken a few online summer courses over the years and they're nothing compared to what I just pulled out of. I'm still going to give it some thought, though.
I'm still most likely going to be taking a brief online course over the summer (so that I can actually graduate on time), but it shouldn't be AS much of a bitch. I would take it on campus, but it looks like this summer I'm actually going to make it to the east coast (I've never been further east than New Mexico), so it's a very big deal for me. haha
Wine esta loca
Oh, the irony.