Honestly Erik, yes there are lots of girls out there that screw everyone over. I was screwed over recently and it sucked. I was thinking, you know what? I'm done with girls. I was pissed at what she did. But then I met someone who is actually a genuine nice girl. We're just talking and all but I haven't been this happy in forever. Not all women suck. Lots do but I'm willing to bet there are more that care about people as much as your and me care about others (in a relationship sense). don't give up hope on all women because if you talk to every girl you meet (in person) like you do on here, you might miss out on a great girl
evertime erik posts his new pic reminds me of that xenocide for some reason and i keep thinking to myself "since when did xenocide become an asshole?" before re-realizing its erik
I thought that emoticon was headbanging