I dont give a fuck how many people buy it. Millions of people buy Taylor Swift's shit excuse for music. Whats your point? Since when do the masses dictate artistic quality?
Grammy award winning album of the year artist. Inb4 you say they mean shit.
Grammys dont mean shit. They're a popularity contest. If they actually caree about artistic integrity they'd go underground or focus more on classical and jazz.
My point is just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's shit. Sure I don't like Taylor swift either but you can't deny bitch is talented, just like you can't sit there and say cod has never been a fun game
Grammy award winning album of the year artist. Inb4 you say they mean shit.
Grammys dont mean shit. They're a popularity contest. If they actually caree about artistic integrity they'd go underground or focus more on classical and jazz.
Writes and produces all of her music and makes millions off of it.
My point is just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's shit. Sure I don't like Taylor swift either but you can't deny bitch is talented, just like you can't sit there and say cod has never been a fun game
Man when did I say they were NEVER fun? I used to play some CoD. World At War and Big Red One were especially good. They've decided to go quantity over quality and shot themseleves in the foot. I seriously know no gamers in real life who play them anymore. They've become a joke amongst all my friends.
Grammy award winning album of the year artist. Inb4 you say they mean shit.
Grammys dont mean shit. They're a popularity contest. If they actually caree about artistic integrity they'd go underground or focus more on classical and jazz.
Writes and produces all of her music and makes millions off of it.
were all fun as hell. They weren't perfext when they were released but with patches they became stellar games. This time around they added a year to their development cycle.
But black metal isn't shit? Even though you can't understand fuck all of what they're saying unless you look up the lyrics. Even then you can't follow it.
But black metal isn't shit? Even though you can't understand fuck all of what they're saying unless you look up the lyrics. Even then you can't follow it.
They're a popularity contest. If they actually caree about artistic integrity they'd go underground or focus more on classical and jazz.
3 of the last 4 releases have been good.
were all fun as hell. They weren't perfext when they were released but with patches they became stellar games. This time around they added a year to their development cycle.