um i probably will not. Me and my buddies got a scam thing working where we each take turns buying games and then we can just use the share play thing with each other, and one of them will get it, so im sure i will be able to play it.
You talk quality MC but you for the most part play games no one seems to care about and remember money drives the industry. You can't force people to like indie games.
It also amazes me that you shit on these big games but dota2 is a god send? Really that's just dumb. Get off your high horse.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
You talk quality MC but you for the most part play games no one seems to care about and remember money drives the industry. You can't force people to like indie games.
It also amazes me that you shit on these big games but dota2 is a god send? Really that's just dumb. Get off your high horse.
First part, when have I ever cared about whats popular or what makes money? You see the bands I listen to? Once again, its turning the gaming industry into another top 40 pop fad shitfest.
Second, I never once talked about Dota 2 as a Godsend. Its a great and fun game, one of the best competitive games on market, and is extremely impactful in the eSport scene, but its nowhere close to my top 10.
The popularity of these games is good for the industry though why can't you see that? Just like bands people love to hate like slipknot are good for music because it helps introduce people into different genres.
Livefree add me lance2680
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
also 'lol' at Erik agreeing with Rex's "mc has the same taste in games as a 12 year old autistic boy" comment. You're favorite games are the Kingdom Hearts games (which are amazing and I love them in every way), games about Disney and Final Fantasy coming together to fight for people's hearts and the light within them...
The popularity of these games is good for the industry though why can't you see that? Just like bands people love to hate like slipknot are good for music because it helps introduce people into different genres.
Livefree add me lance2680
Because its not good for the industry Its causing these game devs to put out rehashed unfinished games every year that have been decreasing in quality with every release, while simultaneously making you pay more for DLC that should have been included in the game to begin with so that you can have a more whole experience.
Gone are the days of unlocks and passcodes. Gone are the days of getting a full game, and then an expansion giving you ANOTHER FULL GAME.
I share your thoughts on the COD series as you may or may not know. I think usually it is just re-packaged shit with no updates at all because they realize they can get away with making the same game and still make millions. But, admittedly, my brother went to the midnight release of the new one and it actually didn't look too bad. Played a few matches after he was done.
Dude DLC is part of the industry now. I don't think anyone is a big fan of it. Sometimes the extra content is good. I don't think you can blame COD for DLC though it was gonna happen either way.
That's not laziness it's an homage to the older game... it's not like they accidentally made the same scene and the two games use different engines so they couldn't copy and paste programming.
i'll pull my pants down so it'll be quicker for you guys to blow me
It also amazes me that you shit on these big games but dota2 is a god send? Really that's just dumb. Get off your high horse.
Second, I never once talked about Dota 2 as a Godsend. Its a great and fun game, one of the best competitive games on market, and is extremely impactful in the eSport scene, but its nowhere close to my top 10.
Livefree add me lance2680
Its causing these game devs to put out rehashed unfinished games every year that have been decreasing in quality with every release, while simultaneously making you pay more for DLC that should have been included in the game to begin with so that you can have a more whole experience.
Gone are the days of unlocks and passcodes. Gone are the days of getting a full game, and then an expansion giving you ANOTHER FULL GAME.