To be honest MC I agree with you, on-disc DLC and things of that nature are shameful practices and by all means, don't get the games if you don't want to support them. But don't act holier than thou about people who genuinely enjoy these types of games and are willing to buy them.
That's not laziness it's an homage to the older game... it's not like they accidentally made the same scene and the two games use different engines so they couldn't copy and paste programming.
For real. Obvious homage was obvious. Same goes for Evil Within. It had the same exact scene like in Resident Evil where you meet a zombie for the first time. People try to find any excuse to say a game is shit or something.
also 'lol' at Erik agreeing with Rex's "mc has the same taste in games as a 12 year old autistic boy" comment. You're favorite games are the Kingdom Hearts games (which are amazing and I love them in every way), games about Disney and Final Fantasy coming together to fight for people's hearts and the light within them...
Kingdom Hearts>Wii U
duh. doesn't change the fact that Nintendo is killing this gen so far.
>gay for payday >"durrrr you only play the trendy titles"
>Payday only became trendy lately because of the event they were holding >I play hundreds of games, trendy and non-trendy. Classic and new. I don't just play what's new and popular for the week. I keep all my systems too so I can go back and replay shit. >Only games I ever hear you talk about are AAA like CoD, GTA, and Watchdogs - which you drop after a month.
Yea, you only play the trendy AAA title of the week. Such a gamer.
>"durrrr you only play the trendy titles"
>I play hundreds of games, trendy and non-trendy. Classic and new. I don't just play what's new and popular for the week. I keep all my systems too so I can go back and replay shit.
>Only games I ever hear you talk about are AAA like CoD, GTA, and Watchdogs - which you drop after a month.