I've thought about just making a new account, but I have so much DLC and Avatars linked to my ID, I dont want to lose them.
I mean, mine is sorta lame but I like it. One of the funniest memories was playing with this one guy on KillZone 3. He was drunk and this convo followed
Drunk: ChildOfDaKorn? Oh I get it. Its like that move Children of the Corn
Me: Actually, its the band Ko-
Drunk: *Interrupts* thats kinda funny so I'll kinda laugh at it. Ha-Ha, now fuck off ) )
You got all the achievements/trophies for Arkham City right? How hard are the Riddler Challenges for real? If they're as hard as I'm hearing about then I might just say fuck it. The Dunwall City Trials DLC on Dishonored, specifically the trophies for Bonfires, was the hardest shit I ever played and definitely my most hard fought trophies to earn, and that shit made me throw a controller across the room for the first time since I was like 9 years old lmao. If I'm looking at that level of difficulty again for the platinum then fuck that noise.
I made it in my Slipknot daze.... I'd fuckin pay to change it.
Drunk: ChildOfDaKorn? Oh I get it. Its like that move Children of the Corn
Me: Actually, its the band Ko-
Drunk: *Interrupts* thats kinda funny so I'll kinda laugh at it. Ha-Ha, now fuck off
You got all the achievements/trophies for Arkham City right? How hard are the Riddler Challenges for real? If they're as hard as I'm hearing about then I might just say fuck it. The Dunwall City Trials DLC on Dishonored, specifically the trophies for Bonfires, was the hardest shit I ever played and definitely my most hard fought trophies to earn, and that shit made me throw a controller across the room for the first time since I was like 9 years old lmao. If I'm looking at that level of difficulty again for the platinum then fuck that noise.