Payday: The Heist is going free for the day on PC. I've never played the first one, but I am obsessed with the second game. So I want to pick it up. There is a DLC heist where you break into Mercy Hospital and steal the Z-Virus from Left 4 Dead.
Speaking of Payday crossover DLC, I think tomorrow the Hotline Miami/Payday heist comes out.
I've heard Payday: The Heist isnt very good though.
I've heard its good, but Payday 2 is better. Regardless its free, so even if it sucks then its not going to cost me anything for more heists. Payday 2 is too good though.
Well, i guess i should say i've heard its okay, but they took everything that was wrong/meh about Payday and fixed it in Payday 2, making it amazing. Havent played either doe. Looks sick.
Speaking of Payday crossover DLC, I think tomorrow the Hotline Miami/Payday heist comes out.
I've heard its good, but Payday 2 is better. Regardless its free, so even if it sucks then its not going to cost me anything for more heists. Payday 2 is too good though.
What do you think of that upcoming game Evolve?
> Couldnt find my Mic
> Fuck