Nah, Outlast is survival horror done right. No weapons. Limited light source. Puzzles that aren't too complex that they take away from the scares. Interesting story. NO EMPHASIS ON JUMP SCARES (seriously FUCK Slender. Game is dick).
Only problem with it is the ending is a little funky. But the rest of it is solid.
FUCK Mario Kart pisses me off. Figthing two laps trying to get into first. Game giving me literally nothing but banannas and tanookie leafs. I finally get in first, and immediately I'm blue shelled. WHAT THE FUCK
@AbuMohammadAahil Nah but i've heard good things
Only problem with it is the ending is a little funky. But the rest of it is solid.
EDIT: Didn't read past this when I posted, so I missed that a few of you played it. Sick game.