My top would prob be 1. Duke Nukem 3D 2. Bioshock 3. Doom 4. Halo 2 5. Killzone 2 (story)/ Killzone 3 (multiplayer)
If Left 4 Dead 2 and Payday 2 count, then those would be 3 and 4 though. And I still need to play through Half-Life, but given the reception of that game, that'd probably make it to my top 5. F.E.A.R. and Resistance are good too.
I already know whats in the update. They're adding a hero people have been talking about for years now. And adding a new game mode, and a shit ton of bonus shit for compendium buyers.
kinda want the new 3ds. my og still workin fine but if theres a new metroid on it i'll prolly get it. wont come out til like the end of next year n vita is kinda tempting since i have ps+ now.
Id be interested how he would do haha
Oh cool. I'll check it out. Super Crate Box is a lot of fun.
wont come out til like the end of next year n vita is kinda tempting since i have ps+ now.