they announced that the beta for ps4 started today. But then sent everyone who signed up for the ps4 beta ps3 apparently they are sending out the ps4 codes next week :-L
Getting a next gen console basically just for Arkham Knight
Definitely. Luckily I picked up a PS4 a while back so I'm set. Payday tomorrow so I'm heading out to pick up Arkham Origins to be ready for Arkham Knight. Beat City today. Insane ass ending man.
Picked up Wolfenstein: The New Order. Hearing good things about it. Holding me over till Watch Dogs next week.
Fuck I got selected for the playstation now beta and it's launching on ps4 today but there is a bug keeping you from d/l the beta :!!
That game... went through it 3 times straight within the first month I had it. New Game Plus or die
they announced that the beta for ps4 started today. But then sent everyone who signed up for the ps4 beta ps3 apparently they are sending out the ps4 codes next week :-L
Definitely. Luckily I picked up a PS4 a while back so I'm set. Payday tomorrow so I'm heading out to pick up Arkham Origins to be ready for Arkham Knight. Beat City today. Insane ass ending man.
got $170 from target thanks to the triple trade in theyre doing.
gonna use it for dat ps4
that's like 1200 corn husks
made it in two days hopefully the lions don't win a game this year
thanks for reminding me about my flag rule
Nah if I wanted to I could go buy one right now.