shane needs to watch the video. he answers the question shane's been bitching about and like I said, he isn't going to miss out on anything in the campaign if he doesn't do the multiplayer.
i watched it as soon as it was put up and it didn't answer anything that wasn't already known on the ME3 forums. having any link between the multiplayer and single player too much imo. also if there is ANY achievements for me3 that are multiplayer a ton of people are going to be really pissed. Dead space 2 had MP with no achievements attached to it, there is no reason ME3 can't d the same.
this is the list of questions were still waiting to have answered, the last one in particular i want to see answer asap
General - Will Origin be required for PC owners to install and/or run the game? IsaacShep - Will ME3 require an internet connection for each launching of the SP game, or will it retain ME2's single verification method? AdmiralCheez - Will decisions made in ME1 & ME2 affect Galactic Readiness level? Ixalmaris
Co-op Gameplay. - Will Origin be required for PC owners to play Co-op? - WIll local co-op be supported? (ie local split screen, PC-LAN) - If local co-op is supported, will guest accounts be available (Xbox), or spawn mode (PC) -Skorpious- - Is Co-op going to be cross platform, or will each platform be restricted to its own network? Possibly restricted due to MS not allowing cross platform MP on Xbox360 titles. (Speculative, confirmation required) - Will there be a match-making service, or a generic waiting room in which players can assemble and them form teams? Or will they have to plan out the teams in advance? - How will CE and/or DLC equipment be handled with Co-op? Will non CE/DLC owners get to have a taste of what the equipment is like, or will they be out of luck and can only be insanely jealous? - Will Kinect still work in MP, and will using a headset to talk with team mates cause any interference? - What effect will 3rd party modding have on MP? Will MP still read local files, read-compare-produce error with server files, or only use server-based files? - Will there be any form of microtransactions for MP, either for gameplay, or equipment, or other reasons? United_Strafes. - If it's a separate story campaign, are our multiplayer characters playing their part in dialogue scenes or is it more of a environmental storytelling, ie hearing your orders/exposition through radio and such? Nightcobra892b - Will there be dialogues, and how will they be handled? Ylhaym - Are squad ammo powers be still available? Quinnzel - Will co-op have its own disk, and/or executable? If not, how much space will it take up? Quinnzel - Will weapon & armour mods be available, either at the beginning of the game, or via workbenches during the course of the game? Nightcobra892b - Will there be any form of in-game communication system (ie quickchat) with team mates? Cjall - How will Galactic Readiness be displayed? ie: Bar Meter. SE JN - Will there be a savegame/save point system in Co-op, and how will it function? Beerfish - Will heavy weapons be available to all players? Neo7732 - What sort of co-op modes will there be? ie: Horde, Tower defence etc. laudable11 - Will the Online Pass be user or region locked? Cjail - Will Co-op require Gold membership for Xbox users? Cjail - Exactly who will we be fighting for? Citadel Defence Forces, Mercenary Groups? Myworstfear - What happens if one person dies? Is there medi-gel? Malanek999
Character Customization. - Will there be full facial and armour customization for the alien species? - Which alien species will be included? - Can I play as a female alien, of a species we have as yet not seen a model of? (Turian, Drell etc) - Will the alien classes be the same as in game, or will they be specialised racial classes? (ie: Krogan Battlemaster, Quarian Mechanic) - Will the aliens have their own combat lines, or will they speak the same way Shepard does? - Will each race have their own walking animation, or will everyone share the same stick-up-the-coit/Thunderbirds animations we saw in the demo? Blooddrunk1004 - Will races be limited as to what class they can have. ie: Geth= Soldier/Tech only (no biotics) Mesina2 - How many Co-Op characters are we allowed to have, and how are they handled? Sam726
Impact on Single Player - If I play Galaxy at War, will my galaxy readiness level be increased for all of my playthroughs permanently, or will my progress in GaW be tied to one playthrough at a time? Inutaisho7996 - Can we disassociate G.a.W completely from our SP campaigns? Neofelis Nebulosa - Does 4 player co-op mean we can now have 3 squadmates instead of 2? Anacronian Stryx - Will SP require a lot of "grind" (Repeatable Missions) in order to acheive the same level of Galactic Readiness as co-op? Ixalmaris
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
I actually liked Zelda 2. I agree that Zelda1 was probably better, but I enjoyed playing through zelda 2. If they had just redid zelda 1 instead of doing something different, I dont think I would like zelda as much as I do today.
this game sucked balls compared to the first one, you should have been complaining
this is the list of questions were still waiting to have answered, the last one in particular i want to see answer asap
- Will Origin be required for PC owners to install and/or run the game? IsaacShep
- Will ME3 require an internet connection for each launching of the SP game, or will it retain ME2's single verification method? AdmiralCheez
- Will decisions made in ME1 & ME2 affect Galactic Readiness level? Ixalmaris
Co-op Gameplay.
- Will Origin be required for PC owners to play Co-op?
- WIll local co-op be supported? (ie local split screen, PC-LAN)
- If local co-op is supported, will guest accounts be available (Xbox), or spawn mode (PC) -Skorpious-
- Is Co-op going to be cross platform, or will each platform be restricted to its own network? Possibly restricted due to MS not allowing cross platform MP on Xbox360 titles. (Speculative, confirmation required)
- Will there be a match-making service, or a generic waiting room in which players can assemble and them form teams? Or will they have to plan out the teams in advance?
- How will CE and/or DLC equipment be handled with Co-op? Will non CE/DLC owners get to have a taste of what the equipment is like, or will they be out of luck and can only be insanely jealous?
- Will Kinect still work in MP, and will using a headset to talk with team mates cause any interference?
- What effect will 3rd party modding have on MP? Will MP still read local files, read-compare-produce error with server files, or only use server-based files?
- Will there be any form of microtransactions for MP, either for gameplay, or equipment, or other reasons? United_Strafes.
- If it's a separate story campaign, are our multiplayer characters playing their part in dialogue scenes or is it more of a environmental storytelling, ie hearing your orders/exposition through radio and such? Nightcobra892b
- Will there be dialogues, and how will they be handled? Ylhaym
- Are squad ammo powers be still available? Quinnzel
- Will co-op have its own disk, and/or executable? If not, how much space will it take up? Quinnzel
- Will weapon & armour mods be available, either at the beginning of the game, or via workbenches during the course of the game? Nightcobra892b
- Will there be any form of in-game communication system (ie quickchat) with team mates? Cjall
- How will Galactic Readiness be displayed? ie: Bar Meter. SE JN
- Will there be a savegame/save point system in Co-op, and how will it function? Beerfish
- Will heavy weapons be available to all players? Neo7732
- What sort of co-op modes will there be? ie: Horde, Tower defence etc. laudable11
- Will the Online Pass be user or region locked? Cjail
- Will Co-op require Gold membership for Xbox users? Cjail
- Exactly who will we be fighting for? Citadel Defence Forces, Mercenary Groups? Myworstfear
- What happens if one person dies? Is there medi-gel? Malanek999
Character Customization.
- Will there be full facial and armour customization for the alien species?
- Which alien species will be included?
- Can I play as a female alien, of a species we have as yet not seen a model of? (Turian, Drell etc)
- Will the alien classes be the same as in game, or will they be specialised racial classes? (ie: Krogan Battlemaster, Quarian Mechanic)
- Will the aliens have their own combat lines, or will they speak the same way Shepard does?
- Will each race have their own walking animation, or will everyone share the same stick-up-the-coit/Thunderbirds animations we saw in the demo? Blooddrunk1004
- Will races be limited as to what class they can have. ie: Geth= Soldier/Tech only (no biotics) Mesina2
- How many Co-Op characters are we allowed to have, and how are they handled? Sam726
Impact on Single Player
- If I play Galaxy at War, will my galaxy readiness level be increased for all of my playthroughs permanently, or will my progress in GaW be tied to one playthrough at a time? Inutaisho7996
- Can we disassociate G.a.W completely from our SP campaigns? Neofelis Nebulosa
- Does 4 player co-op mean we can now have 3 squadmates instead of 2? Anacronian Stryx
- Will SP require a lot of "grind" (Repeatable Missions) in order to acheive the same level of Galactic Readiness as co-op? Ixalmaris
I think Zelda 2 was better then Super Mario Bros 2.
The US one or the Japanese one?
I would have liked SMB2 more had bowser been the bad guy.
Its cool that some of the enemies from the game got to stay in the Mario universe.