I been wanting Sonic 06 for a while, and it's expensive even used, so I'm happy
it’s $20 🤨
that must be new because they've been trending at $35-50 last week when I was looking Lucked out and found mine for $13. But I had someone else trying to sell it for $40, which was cheaper than the offers he had been getting.
I been wanting Sonic 06 for a while, and it's expensive even used, so I'm happy
it’s $20 🤨
that must be new because they've been trending at $35-50 last week when I was looking Lucked out and found mine for $13. But I had someone else trying to sell it for $40, which was cheaper than the offers he had been getting.
I been wanting Sonic 06 for a while, and it's expensive even used, so I'm happy
it’s $20 🤨
that must be new because they've been trending at $35-50 last week when I was looking Lucked out and found mine for $13. But I had someone else trying to sell it for $40, which was cheaper than the offers he had been getting.
I been wanting Sonic 06 for a while, and it's expensive even used, so I'm happy
it’s $20 🤨
that must be new because they've been trending at $35-50 last week when I was looking Lucked out and found mine for $13. But I had someone else trying to sell it for $40, which was cheaper than the offers he had been getting.
I now have 3GB total left on my PS5 and all I have installed atm is Cold War, Modern Warfare, and NBA 2K21. They desperately need to drop externals for PS5. This is fucking ridiculous.
I now have 3GB total left on my PS5 and all I have installed atm is Cold War, Modern Warfare, and NBA 2K21. They desperately need to drop externals for PS5. This is fucking ridiculous.
Speak of the devil, it was jus announced today that an update will be coming that will allow certain internal SSDs to be added to the console, but it’s not coming til summer. So June at the earliest. Fantastic.
Had my first ever perfect game. Kills coulda been higher, (My highest is 60+) but I’ve never had ZERO deaths. My previous lowest was I believe 5. Wasn’t actually 6 vs. 4. 2 backed out like cowards at the end cause they got humiliated lmao.
Lucked out and found mine for $13. But I had someone else trying to sell it for $40, which was cheaper than the offers he had been getting.
Dunno why these people have been asking $45 for it then