They basically doubled the price. Really bad move. Paying to play online was already a massive fucking rip off (Nintendo is the only one priced ok), but now 6 months of Gold is more expensive than a year of PSN? Robbery. I will never pay that much to play online.
Also doesnt make sense because a year of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is cheaper and includes Gold too. So wtf? Unless Gamepass is going up, in which case I'll cancel my subscription right now.
Brought Mario Odyssey to work based on your recommendation though. I picked it up when it came out but never paid much attention to it. It’s good but getting payed to play it definitely makes it better.
Pikmin 3 was such a treat man. Nintendo really makes the most charming and cheerful games on the planet. I played a tiny bit of the first one on GameCube when it first came out when I was like 6, but other than that, I’ve never played any of the 3. Game is truly unique and can’t really be compared to anything else. I mean it’s basically a junior RTS in a way, so I guess you could compare it to it’s big brothers in that sense, but it’s still completely it’s own thing. Took about 18 hours total wit the side missions included, so right in that sweet spot and not too short, not too long. I mentioned earlier in the thread, but my only complaint was the time mechanic. As I got used to it and started pre-planning levels better, it wasn’t AS tedious as I initially felt, but I still feel like it was unnecessary and the game would have been slightly better by not having that time restraint on each day and having to backtrack and go back to the ship each time. I was also confused on how it’s even possible to end the game wit all 66 fruits. Why I say this is because as you go thru the levels, there’s fruits that are inaccessible. For instance there’s fruits submerged in water, and you don’t unlock the blue water Pikmin til later in the game. So I figured I’d be able to backtrack post game wit all the Pikmin unlocked, but you can’t. You can go back to a certain day in the diary, but it overwrites your progress, meaning going back to that day would reverse your progress and you’d still be in those same areas where blue Pikmin are needed, without any blue Pikmin. So that was really confusing to me and I ended up wit like 46/66 fruits because of it. 🤷🏻♂️
Overall tho, a huge joy to play, and nearly flawless. 9.5/10
Next up is Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity. Camera adaptor to play Squadrons still ain’t here lmao so in the mean time I’ll knock this out.
Yea Hyrule Warriors is CRAAAAACK. Simple hack and slash goodness but the combat system actually has a decent amount of depth to it. Shit is immediately addicting. Love how it’s damn near a direct BOTW prequel/sequel but is still it’s own individual thing. Only disappointing thing is Link is quickly the weakest character lmao. Even Zelda is damn near more powerful than him. Everybody else does this crazy ass shit and then he’s jus a basic swordsman lmao.
Finished Jedi: Fallen Order - I have issues with the gameplay, but the story was really good. My fav Disney Star Wars thing for sure.
Tried Sims 4, so far I prefer Sims 2 and Sims 3.
Still casually playing Yugioh: Legacy Of The Duelist Link Evolution
I have like 2 levels left on the MediEvil remake - I love it. Great game. Need to find the PS1 sequel.
Downloaded Cyber Shadow for PC via Gamepass. Been waiting for this game! Ninja Gaiden clone from Yacht Club Games. Excited to dig into it.
Been doing more claim sales. Got Sonic Collection (PS2), Jedi Starfighter (Xbox), and Rogue Squadron (N64) on the way.
I'll be looking for Sonic 06 (360), Sonic Heroes (Gamecube), the Rogue Squadron sequels (Gamecube), the Urbz (PS2), and Yugioh: Forbidden Memories (PS1) in the coming weeks.
Damn Squadrons is INTENSE. That has to be both the best tracking and the smoothest graphics I’ve seen in VR so far. But because of that, the game gave me some motion sickness, which has never happened to me in VR. Idk why I did this time. I can’t say it’s because of the speed because Iron Man VR was really similar in that regard, flying around in high speed. Was only able to play 90 minutes before it got too uncomfortable. Might have to beat the game like that and only do an hour or so at a time but either way, minus that, I’m loving the game. Plays butter fucking smooth.
idk it was being super glitchey to me yesterday. I was playing core and my friend had a mini map but I didn’t for the whole time i played
They basically doubled the price. Really bad move. Paying to play online was already a massive fucking rip off (Nintendo is the only one priced ok), but now 6 months of Gold is more expensive than a year of PSN? Robbery. I will never pay that much to play online.
Also doesnt make sense because a year of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is cheaper and includes Gold too. So wtf? Unless Gamepass is going up, in which case I'll cancel my subscription right now.
At least it will always be as good as it used to be and the quality will never tank even though it costs more.
Next up is Hyrule Warriors: Age Of Calamity. Camera adaptor to play Squadrons still ain’t here lmao so in the mean time I’ll knock this out.
Tried Sims 4, so far I prefer Sims 2 and Sims 3.
Still casually playing Yugioh: Legacy Of The Duelist Link Evolution
I have like 2 levels left on the MediEvil remake - I love it. Great game. Need to find the PS1 sequel.
Downloaded Cyber Shadow for PC via Gamepass. Been waiting for this game! Ninja Gaiden clone from Yacht Club Games. Excited to dig into it.
Been doing more claim sales. Got Sonic Collection (PS2), Jedi Starfighter (Xbox), and Rogue Squadron (N64) on the way.
I'll be looking for Sonic 06 (360), Sonic Heroes (Gamecube), the Rogue Squadron sequels (Gamecube), the Urbz (PS2), and Yugioh: Forbidden Memories (PS1) in the coming weeks.