If DmC2 was the DmC2 of the series. Then DmC3 really was the DmC3 of it 9/10
Started A Plague Tale last nite. 4 chapters in n im really digging it
DMC 3 is so fuckin good. Only 5 tops it.
Really? Haven't played any of the series but is 5 worth playing anyways?
5 is honestly the best action game I ever played. I think you could enjoy it not playing the others, but I think to really appreciate the story and some references you should at least play 1 and 3.
Marluxia was a little bitch. Finally beat Sora's story and am just finishing Hallow Bastion as Riku. Can already tell this is going to be alot less annoying and Riku is my boy anyhow. All in all, I just cannot wait to be done with Chain Of Memories. Is Riku's side of the story long?
Marluxia was a little bitch. Finally beat Sora's story and am just finishing Hallow Bastion as Riku. Can already tell this is going to be alot less annoying and Riku is my boy anyhow. All in all, I just cannot wait to be done with Chain Of Memories. Is Riku's side of the story long?
Even the ending mission encapsulates the game as a whole. Like the intro mission A-Day, it was one of the best parts of the game. But even then it didn’t follow thru. You have this long, epic, drawn out, 45 minute mission to cap off the game, and then it jus ends abruptly without even sending things off correctly. It’s a multi part boss fight, and as of the last part that you fight MODOK, it’s not even clear that you killed him. Seems like you stunned him, and then it moves on to the fight wit the giant Kree Sentry. You kill the Sentry, and then that’s it, bout 2 more quick minutes of cutscenes, then end credits. That shit felt so cheap. The primary villain is MODOK, and you have this huge build up to his boss fight, only for his “send off” to seem like he’s merely stunned and has more parts to his fight, yet you never see him again and they drop him completely like he was irrelevant.
What wasted potential smh. It’s still worth playing especially if you a Marvel stan like me, but cop it when it’s like $15-$20 for Black Friday instead. 🤦🏻♂️
This the most fluid platformer since Odyssey no cap.
Game is hard as fuck (Like Crash usually is) but yet never manages to be infuriating simply because of the fact that it’s never no cheap “false difficulty” caused from bullshit broken design. It’s all a well designed, legitimate challenge, where dying never feels like the game fucking you, and instead a matter of YOU not being on point.
6 hours in, but went for all the gems right off bat, so I’m now at the end of the 2nd world. Can’t wait to dig more into this.
Finally beat Chain Of Memories. Riku's story was so much better. Short, sweet and to the point. Ive never played a game where I was in love with the story but absolutely hated the game play. For the final time, the card battle system sucks dick. But I've never beaten this one, so it was worth the one play through. Answered some things I was always confused on. Onto 358/2 Days which I've never played.
Finally beat Chain Of Memories. Riku's story was so much better. Short, sweet and to the point. Ive never played a game where I was in love with the story but absolutely hated the game play. For the final time, the card battle system sucks dick. But I've never beaten this one, so it was worth the one play through. Answered some things I was always confused on. Onto 358/2 Days which I've never played.
I hear. Do you have a copy by chance? Story so far just has remastered cinemtaics and I'd rather play the game. Id be willing to drive and pick up if you don't want to mail it
Got the platinum in A Plague Tale:Innocence. Been wanting to play this for awhile. Was cautious cuz the last game I played where you had to control 2 characters was Resident Evil Revelations 2 soured me on the concept but this game did it right. It's a stealth game with puzzles and light combat. Linear but with different ways to take on enemies. Game really captured the feel of the black plague. Writings good too, thought I was gonna be annoyed by the kid but wasnt. Difficulty wise it's not the hardest game and theres no bullshit like a guard seeing you from a mile away. Only things I can mark it for is the character mouth movement and switching ammo but that isn't even an issue til one of the last bosses. It's just a very solid game all around. Takes about 14 hrs to get thru the game and 16 to get everything. 8.5/10
358/2 Days was prolly my favorite of the spinoff games. Mainly cause I love Organization XIII so the fact it was strictly about them was a treat. Lame as fuck that it isn’t playable in the collection smh.
Even the ending mission encapsulates the game as a whole. Like the intro mission A-Day, it was one of the best parts of the game. But even then it didn’t follow thru. You have this long, epic, drawn out, 45 minute mission to cap off the game, and then it jus ends abruptly without even sending things off correctly. It’s a multi part boss fight, and as of the last part that you fight MODOK, it’s not even clear that you killed him. Seems like you stunned him, and then it moves on to the fight wit the giant Kree Sentry. You kill the Sentry, and then that’s it, bout 2 more quick minutes of cutscenes, then end credits. That shit felt so cheap. The primary villain is MODOK, and you have this huge build up to his boss fight, only for his “send off” to seem like he’s merely stunned and has more parts to his fight, yet you never see him again and they drop him completely like he was irrelevant.
What wasted potential smh. It’s still worth playing especially if you a Marvel stan like me, but cop it when it’s like $15-$20 for Black Friday instead. 🤦🏻♂️
Also tried Mario 35 which is an 8-bit Mario battle royal thing and that’s pretty fun.