Decided im going to move 3-4 houses so that i have 4 houses on the first level, and then behind it ill raise up the ground to level 2 and put 4 more houses behind it to make a little neighborhood.
Its going to be a lot of work but im up for it. I made a mistake not watching any videos before hand and realizing what you can really do with your islands.
Will give me the opportunity to put in some cool waterfalls though.
Beat resident evil revelations 2 It's a fun action oriented resi evil game but the character swapping gimmick gets old fast. Didn't try co-op but I'm assuming it's better that way. 7/10
Playing Assassin's creed origins and I'm about 30 hrs in right now
idk if that is too much or too little. they seemed happy. Id never cataloged peoples stuff though. was dope.
so cataloging is when you go to someones island and they lay stuff out for you to pick up, then that item is available to purchase for you.
It's a fun action oriented resi evil game but the character swapping gimmick gets old fast. Didn't try co-op but I'm assuming it's better that way. 7/10
Playing Assassin's creed origins and I'm about 30 hrs in right now
who tryna go 1/2 on the space set.