Had my eye on this exact one, Batman model and everything. But Goddamn tryna justify $430 plus tax and shipping for a fucking CHAIR is really Goddamn hard lmao. That’s almost the price of my entire big ass studio desk and it’s a single chair. Is it really worth it like THAT?? I can’t see what makes it almost $500. Ain’t the leather cause you can still get leather office chairs at half the price.
Like anything else, depends on how much your gonna use it. If you spend long hours doing a thing spend money to make the thing comfortable. Day after day, hours at a time? Spend it. $400 is a lot of money in an abstract way yet 400 bones ain’t shit compared to old man back pain. Eventually that chair will cost less than a dollar a day for every day you use it.
Had my eye on this exact one, Batman model and everything. But Goddamn tryna justify $430 plus tax and shipping for a fucking CHAIR is really Goddamn hard lmao. That’s almost the price of my entire big ass studio desk and it’s a single chair. Is it really worth it like THAT?? I can’t see what makes it almost $500. Ain’t the leather cause you can still get leather office chairs at half the price.
Like anything else, depends on how much your gonna use it. If you spend long hours doing a thing spend money to make the thing comfortable. Day after day, hours at a time? Spend it. $400 is a lot of money in an abstract way yet 400 bones ain’t shit compared to old man back pain. Eventually that chair will cost less than a dollar a day for every day you use it.
Pretty much this right here. Think of it as a investment to your back and for your gaming/studio. Any time I'm going to spend money on something like that I think about the investment into why I am doing it and how it will be long term. just do research and see if this is for you and if not there are always other brands to look at.
You beat no one. We played twice and you lost twice. I tried playing you more and you were like "Stop asking me to play. My girl is watching Oprah" . I've made some pretty good achievements Erik. Made some mistakes. Lemme know when your rdy Kids.
Imagine interacting with Gary on purpose. Why even would you?
Quiet mouth. You never talked to me anyway. You rather talk to people who rob you so whatever.And to the colorado mexican who's name I forget..Jake I think not sure...Funny name for a mexican..we played twice and you lost twice..say what you want and I only played Erik once.