new twisted metal game coming out at the end of the year. i was watching an interview with one of the guys that is working on the game on gametrailers TV a couple weeks ago. sucks to be a 360 owner, they won't be able to play this awesomeness of a game. but knowing microsoft they'll come out with something similar.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
All the articles i'm seeing doesn't have it confirmed yet.
I remember playing Halo CE and having to use gamespy to be able to do any kind of online multiplayer. I would set up a match and my friend who lived down the street would join and we would be on the phone talking strategy. That was before xbox live came out.
new twisted metal game coming out at the end of the year. i was watching an interview with one of the guys that is working on the game on gametrailers TV a couple weeks ago. sucks to be a 360 owner, they won't be able to play this awesomeness of a game. but knowing microsoft they'll come out with something similar.
The new Twisted Metal game looks like it sucks. I am jealous of many things about the PS3 and want to get one, but the Twisted Metal reboot is not one of the reasons.
new twisted metal game coming out at the end of the year. i was watching an interview with one of the guys that is working on the game on gametrailers TV a couple weeks ago. sucks to be a 360 owner, they won't be able to play this awesomeness of a game. but knowing microsoft they'll come out with something similar.
The new Twisted Metal game looks like it sucks. I am jealous of many things about the PS3 and want to get one, but the Twisted Metal reboot is not one of the reasons.
it does look similar to its previous sequals at first glance, but its gonna be different, at least thats what they said on the interview i saw (ex: sweet tooth will have like a transformer type thing where his ice cream truck can transform transformer style and your able to run with it instead of drive, i cant remember the other stuff that guy said that was gonna be different, hopefully they'll add more characters). by the way i dont like the transformer movies so i really dont care about that transforming ability, it was just an example of what will be different this time around. and besides its a car combat game...............blowin' shit up constantly is a win in my book.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
I miss the old days of original Xbox. Shit was so cash.
Bioware needs to make a new KOTOR
The Old Republic.... KOTOR MMO
MMO's in general are pretty bad with the exception of WoW. i have faith in Bioware thou, seeing as they made the only start wars game that didn't suck and the monolith known as mass effect but an MMO is a completely different beast. i hope they are upto the challange
new twisted metal game coming out at the end of the year. i was watching an interview with one of the guys that is working on the game on gametrailers TV a couple weeks ago. sucks to be a 360 owner, they won't be able to play this awesomeness of a game. but knowing microsoft they'll come out with something similar.
The new Twisted Metal game looks like it sucks. I am jealous of many things about the PS3 and want to get one, but the Twisted Metal reboot is not one of the reasons.
it does look similar to its previous sequals at first glance, but its gonna be different, at least thats what they said on the interview i saw (ex: sweet tooth will have like a transformer type thing where his ice cream truck can transform transformer style and your able to run with it instead of drive, i cant remember the other stuff that guy said that was gonna be different, hopefully they'll add more characters). by the way i dont like the transformer movies so i really dont care about that transforming ability, it was just an example of what will be different this time around. and besides its a car combat game...............blowin' shit up constantly is a win in my book.
ill buy the new TM game...when its in the 9.99 or lower bin at Gamestop....shouldnt take TOO long.
I'm reformatting my PS3 hard drive then I am going to update to the newest Sony OFW. Sucks it says its going to take 10 hours to format.
I think I might have to pick one of those up. I just hate how small the PS3 controller is.